We felt and our hairs stand up when announced more ABAO goodness coming out this year and stick to their words it has been non-stop bangers from them. UNBOX 绿野迷踪蜘蛛妹 unleashed ABAO’s Dorothy MEMI earlier today at the Bang Bang Da show giving earlier access to ABAO’s Dorothy. Dorothy comes with a new outfit and all silver heart.

Booth BO5
Stay tuned for the international release, MORE designer toy goodness at http://store.unboxindustries.info/
Known for her surrealism style art, it’s your turn to own the very last resin versions of RAABIIT! The multi-disciplined artist first captured our hearts with her 2D artwork via Deviantart and the unforgettable resin/plush Call Duck and now RAABBIT. Welcome to the world of ABAO. Similar to the previously released resin edition, we get to see it in its glory.

Lets hope Unbox gets Call Duck produced too!

Find ABAO on Deviantart and Instagram.
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Did we fail to mention IT’s FREE.