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Short Description

My name is Elina Yang finished from the structure structural construction program.

Long Description

My name is Elina Yang finished from the structure structural construction program. In the building realty industry has collected a fairly rich experience in pre-development and project management of real estate, to master the residential and public construction project advancement, management processes, understand the information of the control in place, can be predicted in advance, and has a strong capability to fix issues. Lively and cheerful, broad interests, adaptable, hardworking, accountable, dedicated and going to meet brand-new obstacles. Presently working at Hiking Machinery, our company specializes in the production of building machinery and concrete plants. Our products consist of laser screed, power screed, power trowel, truss screed, flight on power trowel and roller screed, please call us if you require these products.
Concrete laser screed
Concrete power trowel for sale
Ride on trowel machine
Concrete power float
Concrete power screed
Concrete truss screed
Concrete roller screed

Years Of Membership
Rank: TTC Newbie