Syaiful Aqmal of Toka studio, the brainchild of that cute TOKA figure we covered last year which you can check out HERE. Preparing for Urban Toy Stage Syaiful shares with us one of his latest custom figures. Meet Exoskeleton Ultra! Using a Bandai Ultraman Sofubi figure goes under the knife of Syaiful.
‘Im researching about a style that I fit in, I love skeletons stuff and so on, and I got a question : What if our bones are outside of our flesh? Then I try to make the style, that I called “Exoskeleton Project”For the first time I used this style, these are the result.- Syaiful
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Good concept having the skelenton inverted and that galexy space paint scheme. Overall a cool enough custom, slight over paint on the eyes but that could be the camera angle as we don’t have it in hand. Also, the added sculpt on certain areas could be slightly smoother finishing. Syaiful needs a cleaner finishing which we are sure he will work on in the next releases. The concept is great and would like to see at least another 2 more with similar designs in the future.